Friday, May 22, 2020
Managerial Problems For Training The Staff In Islamic Banking Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3904 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Introduction As we know interest is strictly prohibited in Islam so basic motive of Islamic banking is to remove the interest factor in businesses and applying the Islamic laws and regulation according to the Quran the holy book and the Sharia laws (Islamic laws). Islamic finance is emerging in many parts of the world as an alternative financing concept to the conventional orthodoxy of paying interest on borrowings and deposits. An investing approach based on Sharia or Islamic law, Islamic finance is concentrated in Muslim parts of the world the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia but now adopted in Europe and America as well. Modern Islamic financing techniques were developed in Muslim parts of Asia, notably Malaysia, but the boom since the mid-1990s has come from the large oil revenues flowing into the Gulf region. Now, the ideas and concepts of Islamic finance are highly attracting conventional issuers and investors seeking to tap into new investment opportunities. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Managerial Problems For Training The Staff In Islamic Banking Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Aim To understand the managerial problem while working in Islamic banking and train the staff coming from conventional banking Research question:- How do the Islamic bank manager train staff ? Objective How the Islamic bank managers train their staff coming from conventional banking system? To conduct a review of Islamic banking concept and working. To investigate the main issues that are difficult to understand by the staff who came new or from conventional banking system to Islamic banking system Analyse the steps that are helpful for solving the key problems. Literature review Islamic banking presupposes from another banking system which is not Islamic. The one which is not Islamic has been in use for the last several centuries, in almost all the world, including the Muslim World. Several countries of the Muslim world are now trying to switch over to the Islamic banking system, and some of them have succeeded in introducing the Islamic banking order in their economy. Pakistan is one of them. Several other Muslim countries have allowed the implementation of an Islamic Bank in their territories but they have not fully switched over to an Islamic banking system because its a big and large scale process. This means the Islamic Banks are functioning in these countries side by side with other banks following the other banking system. More or less all other banks of all other countries follow broadly a single system that is the system of charging interest or Riba. During medieval times (1,000 1,500 AD), Middle Eastern tradesmen would engage in financial transactions on the basis of Shariaa, which incidentally was guided by the same principles as their European counterparts at the time. The Arabs from the Ottoman Empire had strong trade relationships with the Spanish, and established financial systems without interest which worked on a profit- and loss-sharing basis. These instruments catered for the financing of trade and other enterprises. As the Middle Eastern and Asian regions became important trading partners for European companies such as the Dutch East India Company, European banks started to establish branches in these countries, which typically were interest-based. With the increasingly important role Western countries started to play in the world economy, conventional financial institutions became more dominant. On a small scale, credit union and co-operative societies based on profit- and loss-sharing principles continued to exist, but their activities were very much focused in small geographical areas. Although it was not until the mid 1980s that Islamic finance started to grow exponentially, the first financial company in recent history based on Shariaa principles was the Mit Ghamr savings project in Egypt. Mit Ghamr was a co-operative organisation in which the depositors also had a right to take out small loans for productive purposes. In addition, the project attracted funds to invest in projects on a profit-sharing basis. 1(Financial services review August 2008) Forty year ago there was no proper channel of Islamic banking but in early 1970s especially after the first international conference of Islamic economics arranged by the king Abdul Aziz University in Makah Saudi Arabia and the establishment of the first commercial Islamic Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) in the United Arab Emirates followed by the establishment of the international Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and the many private and semi-private commercial Islamic banks that were established after that in, Sudan, Kuwait, Egypt, etc. Selected paper of the conference are being published in two volumes one in English and other in Arabic .studies in Islamic Economics, which contains some of the English papers, has been edited khurshid Ahmed ,who was also Vice-President of the conference. The companion Arabic Volume contains selected Arabic Paper and has been edited by Dr Muhammad Saqr, who also acted as secretary of the steering committee of the conference .king Abdul Aziz University its international centre for the Research in Islamic Economics[2](Dr Abdullah Omar Nasif) The major areas covered were as follows Concept of Methodology of Islamic Economics Production and Consumption in an Islamic Economy The Role of the state in an Islamic Economy Insurance within the Framework of the Shariah Interest-free banking Zakat and fiscal policy Economic development in an Islamic framework Economic co-operation among Muslim countries. That Islamic banking established itself not only as a feasible and viable alternative of financial intermediation but also as fast and productive way of undertaking financial intermediation between surplus and deficit economic units.[3] ( MUNAWAR IQBAL and PHILIP MOLYNEUX) Since then Islamic banking start growing very fast with double digit average annual rate of growth. Today Islamic baking isnt only a negligible of merely temporary phenomenon but its here to stay and there are signs that it will continue with growth and expand (Ariff, 1988). Now at the moment it is one of the speedy growing industry starts from some hundred thousand dollar in 1975 to reach hundred of billion dollars by 2010. The practice of Islamic banking is not only limited in Arab or Muslim countries but has spread all over the world including America and Europe .Not only that by observing the growth many of the conventional bank start their Islamic products in conventional banking which really shows the success and powerful future of Islamic banking. Today there more than 280 Islamic bank in almost 50 countries moreover more than 300 conventional banks which open branches windows or provide Islamic products. Despite of all these fact if the assets of all Islamic banks were pooled, they would still be less than those of any single bank in the top 50 banks in the world, and the assets of the largest Islamic bank are equal to only 1 percent of the assets of the largest bank in the world (Al-Hayat Al-Iqtisadiyah 2005)[4] Before the details of Islamic modes of financing are discussed, it seems necessary to explain some points concerning the basic principles that govern the whole economic set-up in an Islamic way of life. Belief in Divine Guidance The foremost belief around which all the Islamic concepts revolve is that the whole universe is created and controlled by One, the only One God. He has created man and appointed him as His vicegerent on the earth to fulfil certain objectives through obeying His commands. These commands are not restricted to some modes of worship or so-called religious rituals. They, on the contrary, cover a substantial area of almost every aspect of our life. These commands are neither so exhaustive that straiten the human activities within a narrow circle, leaving no role for human intellect to play, nor are they so little or ambiguous that they leave every sphere of life at the mercy of human perception and desire. Far from these two extremes, Islam has a balanced approach to govern the human life. On the one hand, it has left a very wide area of human activities to mans own rational judgment where he can take decisions on the basis of his reason, assessment of facts and expedience. On the other ha nd, Islam has subjected human activities to a set of principles which have eternal application and cannot be violated on superficial grounds of expediency based on human assessment.[5](Taqi Usmani ) Thus we find there are, broadly, two systems of banking prevalent in this world, the interest or Riba-oriented banking and Riba-free banking. Riba-oriented banking is age-old and has been in circulation for several centuries, at least from the days when the Muslims went into oblivion after they lost their power and influence. That the Muslims once ruled this world and shaped its destiny for almost one thousand years is a fact of history. It was they who invented banking; another fact of history. Most of the banking terms like cheque derived from the Arabic word sooq, zero or cypher from the Arabic world sefar.[6] There are many products in Islamic banking which are nowadays in very successfully and some of them are in evaluation mode. So although these all product are new so first main problem for manager is to understand these problems by themselves then make sure that staff has got the full sense and understanding of working and background of the product. The third step is to teach the customer about the product working with all aspect so as there is no point left to fully educate the people. The most common product use in Islamic banking are Ijarah, Murabaha, Musharaka, Mudarabah and the insurance use in Islamic banking is called Takaful. Because Islamic banking still in developing condition so there are many production with having still which still need to be solved and still in developing stages Gharar: It means any element of absolute or excessive uncertainty in any business or a contract about the subject of contract or its price, or mere speculative risk. It leads to undue loss to a party and unjustified enrichment of other, which is prohibited Ijarah: Letting on lease. Sale of a definite usufruct of any asset in exchange of definite reward. It refers to a contract of land leased at a fixed rent payable in cash and also to a mode of financing adopted by Islamic banks. It is an arrangement under which the Islamic banks lease equipments, buildings or other facilities to a client, against an agreed rental. Istisnaa: It is a contractual agreement for manufacturing goods and commodities, allowing cash payment in advance and future delivery or a future payment and future delivery. A manufacturer or builder agrees to produce or build a well described good or building at a given price on a given date in the future. Price can be paid in instalments, step by step as agreed between the parties. Istisnaa can be used for providing the facility of financing the manufacture or construction of houses, plants, projects, and building of bridges, roads and highways. Mudarabah: A form of partnership where one party provides the funds while the other provides expertise and management. The latter is referred to as the Mudarib. Any profits accrued are shared between the two parties on a pre-agreed basis, while loss is borne by the provider(s) of the capital. Murabaha: Literally it means a sale on mutually agreed profit. Technically, it is a contract of sale in which the seller declares his cost and the profit. This has been adopted by Islamic banks as a mode of financing. As a financing technique, it can involve a request by the client to the bank to purchase a certain item for him. The bank does that for a definite profit over the cost which is stipulated in advance. Musharakah: Musharakah means a relationship established under a contract by the mutual consent of the parties for sharing of profits and losses in the joint business. It is an agreement under which the Islamic bank provides funds which are mixed with the funds of the business 6 enterprise and others. All providers of capital are entitled to participate in management, but not necessarily required to do so. The profit is distributed among the partners in pre-agreed ratios, while the loss is borne by every partner strictly in proportion to respective capital contributions.[7](Muhammad Ayub) Training of Banking Professionals in the Use of Islamic Financial Products Lack of qualified manpower is one of the biggest hurdles in the advancement of Islamic banking. Pioneers in Islamic banking developed their financial instruments and painstakingly trained their staff. There is no training institute to meet manpower needs of existing and future Islamic banks. Some of the reasons for this lacuna are understandable. For example, lack of consensus on form and details of Islamic financial instruments and nonexistence of Islamic reporting and accounting procedures. Some work has been done. But a lot more is still needed, especially on the fundamentals. Nevertheless, there is enough material to offer short training courses in Islamic banking. It is pertinent to note here that bank staff shall need a different orientation in the Islamic framework. At present, financial institutions are mainly interested in safe recovery of their principal along with a return. Evaluation criteria for processing funding requests and security provisions in agreements with clients, serve this purpose. But the said goals and process have resulted in a particular psyche and business culture in the financial world. Bank functionaries at the branch level mostly act passively. They entertain requests for financing rather than going out and seeking investment avenues. As far as we can understand, the root cause for this situation is dichotomy between financing and the actual use of funds due to the financial instruments being loan-based. In Islamic banking industry, the nature of financial instruments will affect banking in two ways: (1) Islamic bankers will be forced to adopt an outreach approach in pursuit of economic applications of funds in the marketplace. (2) Follow-up of financing, such as delivery matters in trade-based financing or monitoring Musharakah financing. The need for aggressive marketing of Islamic financial products and the follow-up considerations will add a new dimension to training programs for Islamic bankers. Training After properly documenting all policies and procedures, Islamic financial institutions must educate their personnel to understand the tenets of Islamic law. However, training for employees on both general and Islamic banking principles does not have to be a costly or time-consuming process. E-learning is a cost-effective way to educate employees on general banking principles as well as Islamic banking law. E-learning eliminates or greatly reduces the cost of travel, instructor time, materials and lost work days. And e-learning provides a program that can be used for refresher training and new-hire training. Training will not only help bank employees to become familiar with general banking principles, it will also teach them about the complex regulations that apply to Islamic products and services. Through these training programs, employees will gain the knowledge and tools needed to benefit the customer-bank relationship. By providing training for employees on the policies and procedures of conventional and Islamic banking, banks will experience the following benefits: Documentation The first step an Islamic financial institution can take to become compliant with traditional and Islamic banking principles is documentation. Policies and procedures cant work effectively unless they can be quickly referenced by all bank staff. By providing clearly written, readily available policies and procedures, financial institutions can provide proof that they are remaining compliant with general banking principles and the laws of Shariah. Documentation is an especially important tool for a financial institutions Shariah board. The board of Shariah experts and scholars can use documentation to record their established guidelines for the policies and procedures with which the Islamic bank must comply. Through proper documentation, the board can more effectively advise and audit the Islamic financial institution. Documentation can also act as a resource for employees at the bank. By providing documentation, the policies and procedures will be more easily accessible to bank emplo yees, helping them to quickly find answers to their questions. Standardisation Training for all employees will guarantee that standard procedure is being taught and practiced across the bank. Unlike classroom training, e-learning sessions are identical, creating consistency in training. Additionally, standardisation will ensure that all Islamic banking customers receive a consistent standard of personalised customer service each time they enter the bank. Increased Employee Confidence By receiving proper training, associates will learn about conventional and Islamic banking principles in a self-paced, safe and nonthreatening learning environment. Through the use of motivating, challenging and interactive content and activities, employees will be more confident when applying complex Shariah regulations. They will be more knowledgeable about Islamic products and services and will be better prepared to serve their customers. Reduced Risk Training for employees on the principles of general and Islamic banking will help financial institutions reduce risk to their bank. By creating a more knowledgeable and confident group of employees, fewer mistakes and costly errors will occur. Excellent Customer Service Banks that train their employees on the principles of Islamic banking will be more prepared to deliver excellent customer service and provide the most up-to-date products and services to their banking clients. Having an educated, knowledgeable staff at an Islamic financial institution will help customers feel reassured and satisfied with their banking experience, keeping them coming back. Through excellent customer service, Islamic banks will also be able to attract new clients. Increased Employee Confidence By receiving proper training, associates will learn about conventional and Islamic banking principles in a self-paced, safe and non-threatening learning environment. Through the use of motivating, challenging and interactive content and activities, employees will be more confident when applying the complex Sharia regulations. They will be more knowledgeable about Islamic products and services and will be better prepared to serve their customers. Certification Through training, Islamic financial institutions can objectively assess the individual progress of each employee and his or her understanding of policies and procedures. Upon completion of the training program, students should be awarded with ongoing certification to attest to their mastery of the content. Financial institutions can use these certifications as a reference for compliance officers and customers to demonstrate their adherence to general banking principles and the requirements of Islamic banking.[8](Dr Linda Eagle) Financial Instruments and Their Documentation: It is difficult to think of identical documentation for all Islamic financial institutions in Lieu of a given Islamic financial instrument. This is because practical concerns may vary from institution to institution, practical needs may not always be the same, and, last but not least, door for financial innovation in emergent situations will always remain open. Nevertheless, there has to be some measure of standardization in financial instruments for speedy migration to Islamic financial system in the Muslim world. This is almost a must for regulatory purposes. Legal Framework At present Islamic banks are working in many Muslim countries without proper legal cover. Of course, Iran, Sudan and Malaysia are exceptions. In general, legislative needs for Islamic banking can be minimized by legislating the Shariah principles and the Shariah restrictions for contracts, while leaving practical details for adjudication by the courts. Nevertheless, attention will also have to be paid to the following and similar other points. Murabahah financing means purchase and resale, i.e. two trading transactions. This need not be seen as such for sales tax purposes because Islamic banks do not buy things under financing for their personal needs. Registration requirements associated agreements need to be simplified as the associated costs may impede lease financing. There is also need for special legal cover in order to facilitate and implement Musharakah (partnership) agreements by Islamic banks. Adjudication of recovery of bank receivables is presently interest-based. Its alternatives need to be developed and provided for in the law. One issue that will continue to be relevant in the foreseeable future is prospect of Islamic banks working in the prevalent interest-based framework. It is obvious that Islamic financial instruments and their documentation and accounting requirement would be different. Therefore, the room for putting Islamic financial norms into practice in the existing framework would be limited. This, in turn, implies that Muslim countries should consider providing separate legal cover for Islamic financing. (Dr Linda Eagle) Current Issues in the Practice of Islamic Banking Be more versatile and efficient. But it faces problem of general acceptability. This is mainly due to unfamiliarity with the various Islamic modes of financing. This problem is likely to be solved over time. Same when the person come into Islamic banking he feel it difficult to understand the term and working of these products. But pace of development of Islamic banking can be expedited through the following: (1) Public education campaigns, (2) Inclusion of Islamic banking concepts in school curriculum, (3) Making Islamic financing course a part of business administration programs and (4) offering fully fledged degree programs in Islamic financing. There are some already in progress. Methodology Both qualitative and quantities methodology will be used in my report. Qualitative Research I believe that qualitative research has special value for investigating complex and sensitive issues so for this sake i am going to Interviewing the manager of Islamic banks in Pakistan to find out their difficulties regarding training their staff coming from conventional banking system. I shall interview three Islamic banking manager using telephone and Skype and will record the conversation then transcribe and analysis that information and find out the problems and their solution. In interview ill ask the detail information of problem that manager face when the new staff coming from conventional banking and what sort of courses or wt sort of step they took to resolve these issues. How the train them what type of difficulties they face. One advantage of qualitative methods in exploratory research is that use of open-ended questions that will give me opportunity to respond in their own words, rather than forcing them to choose from fixed responses, as quantitative methods do. Open-ended questions have the ability to evoke responses that are: ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Meaningful and culturally salient to the participant ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Unanticipated by the researcher ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Rich and explanatory in nature Another advantage of qualitative methods is that they allow that i can ask the question why and how and by this way i can collect the best information about my topic to understand the problem. I shall also able to collect data on my needs that how the managers arrange and what they arrange for the staff to understand the Islamic banking concept and the difference from the other conventional banking. Quantitative Research Statically analysis will be considered to find out the difference between the policies applied and their result to find out the best rules for the solution of these problems. I shall take some statistical data to find about some key figures and ratio of the people who inspire by the Islamic banking and how much they able to understand with how long time. Similarly well use the statistical data to find out the growth of Islamic banking in past how they are grooming recently and future of this business. Conclusion so the conclusion of my report will be the finding the problem and key issue regarding Islamic banking when people from convention banking system and conventional mind come to know about Islamic banking how they feel what sort information they require on the first step what type of difficulties they face to understand the concept and same on the other hand how the professional manager of these organization deal with them how they make them understand and make clear concept of Islamic banking.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Love Your Latte Learn the History of Coffee
Ever wonder when the first espresso was brewed? Or who invented the instant coffee powder that makes your morning so much easier? Explore the history of coffee in the timeline below.Ã Espresso Machines In 1822, the first espresso machine was made in France. In 1933, Dr. Ernest Illy invented the first automatic espresso machine. However, the modern-day espresso machine was created by Italian Achilles Gaggia in 1946. Gaggia invented a high pressure espresso machine by using a spring powered lever system. The first pump driven espresso machine was produced in 1960 by the Faema company. Melitta Bentz Melitta Bentz was a housewife from Dresden, Germany, who invented the first coffee filter. She was looking for a way to brew the perfect cup of coffee with none of the bitterness caused by overbrewing. Melitta Bentz decided to invent a way to make a filtered coffee, pouring boiling water over ground coffee and having the liquid be filtered, removing any grinds. Melitta Bentz experimented with different materials, until she found that her sons blotter paper used for school worked best. She cut a round piece of blotting paper and put it in a metal cup. On June 20th, 1908, the coffee filter and filter paper were patented. On December 15th, 1908, Melitta Bentz and her husband Hugo started the Melitta Bentz Company. The next year they sold 1200 coffee filters at the Leipziger fair in Germany. The Mellitta Bentz Company also patented the filter bag in 1937 and vacuumpacking in 1962. James Mason James Mason invented the coffee percolator on December 26, 1865. Instant Coffee In 1901, just-add-hot water instant coffee was invented by Japanese American chemist Satori Kato of Chicago. In 1906, English chemist George Constant Washington, invented the first mass-produced instant coffee. Washington was living in Guatemala and at the time when he observed dried coffee on his coffee carafe, after experimenting he created Red E Coffee - the brand name for his instant coffee first marketed in 1909. In 1938, Nescafe or freeze-dried coffee was invented. Other Trivia On May 11, 1926, Maxwell House Good to the last drop was trademark registered.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Andrea Yates Mother Or Monster - 2426 Words
Andrea Yates: Mother or Monster Mothers are nurturing caregivers. Caregivers who have always done and thought of what is best for their children. Nevertheless, what happens when the nurturing mother becomes the monster? What causes them to undergo such a drastic transformation? Let us look at Andrea Yates. In Houston, Texas Andrea Yates was born on July 2, 1964, and raised as a devout Roman Catholic. Montaldo (2016) reports that Andrea Yates graduated from Milby High School in 1982 with high honors. Yates was involved in extracurricular activities like being a captain of her swim team and an officer in the national honor society (p. 1). The mother turned monster then enrolled in the two-year pre-nursing program and graduated in 1986. From there Andrea Yates went to work as a registered nurse at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer (1986-1994). With a well-educated background and a well earning and respectable career, what was it that pushed Yates to do what she did? Was it her personal life or her marital life? Montaldo (2016) writes, ââ¬Å"Andrea and her future husband, Rusty Yates met each other in their Houston apartment complex. Much of their time revolved around religious studies and prayers. They married on April 17, 1993. Andrea Yates gave birth to five children. The Yates coupleââ¬â¢s first-born Noah was born on (2/26/1994), John (12/12/1995), Paul (9/13/1997), Luke (2/15/1999), and Mary (11/30/2000)â⬠(p. 1). Any natural mother giving birth to theShow MoreRelatedAndrea Yates : Mother Or Monster Essay2418 Words à |à 10 PagesAndrea Yates: Mother or Monster Mothers have always been thought of as nurturing care givers. Caregivers who have always done and thought of what is best for their children. But what happens when the nurturing mother becomes the monster? What causes them to undergo such a drastic change. Letââ¬â¢s take a look at Andrea Yates. In Houston, Texas Andrea Yates was born on July 2, 1964 and raised as a devout Roman Catholic. 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Chapter01 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century Free Essays
vKT: 601 Chapter01: Defining Marketing for the 21st Century Importance of marketing The scope of marketing Services, Events, Experiences, Persons, Places, Properties, Organizations, In formations, Ideas Markets and prospects 1. Negative demand- Consumers dislike the product and may even pay a price to avoid it. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter01: Defining Marketing for the 21st Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nonexistent demand ââ¬â Consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the product. 3. Latent demand ââ¬â Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product. 4. Declining demand ââ¬â Consumers begin to buy the product less frequently or not at all. 5.Irregular demand ââ¬â Consumer purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily, or even hourly basis. 6. Full demand ââ¬â Consumers are adequately buying all products put into the marketplace. 7. Overfull demand ââ¬â More consumers would like to buy the product than can be satisfied. 8. Unwholesome demand ââ¬â Consumers may be attracted to products that have undesirable social consequences. Markets Key customer markets ?Consumer Markets ?Business Markets ?Global Markets ?Nonprofit and Governmental Markets ?Marketplaces, Market spaces and Metamarkets (search for product) Needs, Wants and DemandsTarget markets, Positioning and Segmentation Offerings and brands Value and satisfactions Marketing channels Supply chain Competition Marketing environment The New marketing realities Major Societal forces ?Network information technology ?Globalization ?Deregulation ?Privatization ?Heightened Competition ?Industry convergence (Combining, home theater) ?Consumer resistance ?Retail transformation (Direct mail) ?Disintermediation/reintermediation The New Economy: Consumer benefits ?Substantial increase in buying power: More disposable income and inclination to spend ?A greater var iety of goods and services: Brand proliferation, can purchase from Internet also ? A greater amount of information about practically anything: Mass media and other sources availability ? A greater ease in interacting and placing and receiving orders: Places order from home, office or can shop traditionally ? An ability to compare notes on products and services: One can use Internet to compare prices and other attributes of various brands The New Economy: Companiesââ¬â¢ benefits ?Websites provide powerful information and sales channels. Can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects and competitors. ?Can speed up communications among employees. ?Can have 2-way communication with customers and prospects ? Can send ads, coupons, samples, information to targeted customers. ?Can customize offerings and services to individual customers. ?Internet can be used as a communication channel for purchasing, training, and recruiting. ?Can improve logistics and operations for cost savings while improving accuracy and service quality.Company orientation towards the marketplace ?The production concept ?The Product concept ?The selling concept ?The marketing concept ?The Holistic Marketing concept ?Relationship marketing ?Performance Marketing ?Financial accountability ?Social responsibility Marketing management tasks ?Developing Marketing strategies and plans ?Capturing Marketing insights ?Connecting with customers ?Building strong brands ?Shaping the market offerings ?Delivering values ?Communicating values ?Creating long term growth How to cite Chapter01: Defining Marketing for the 21st Century, Papers
The IPhone at IVK-Free-Samples for
Questions: 1.Briefly summarize the issues faced by Jim Barton, the CIO at IVK Corporation. 2.How should Barton respond to the Sales Department's request? 3.From a strategic point of view, present two arguments that support the decision to go for the iPhone, and another two arguments against the iPhone. 4.Apparently, Barton is faced with two options: either to accept Sales request or to reject it. Are these the only options? Can you suggest something else? Explain. 5.Discuss the effect of the Mobile Phones on Workplace Environment. In other words, how would the introduction of the iPhones change aspects in the Workplace Environment? 6.Discuss at least three Managerial Issues concerned with the introduction of the IPhones to the sales team. 7.Who should decide which technologies a Company adopts? Use the case to Illustrate your answer. Answers: 1.The CIO of the IVK financial services James Burton has been facing many problems mainly in the IT management department at the company. His issues mainly involves the rise in Non-Standard Service Request (NSR), addition to this the sales representatives have also been found utilizing devices without the consent of the security department in the organization. Moreover, the sales manager has also put a request where the organization IVK has to invest in iphones in the place of notebooks, which the organization was planning to purchase for their employees (Nolan and Austin 2010). However, the CEO of the organization is also interested in using the iphone as he has a positive image of it. Moreover, the security in charge has also mentioned about certain concerns about the utility of the iphone by the organization. Thus, Barton has to take a decision to replace the use of notebook with iphones for their salespersons. 2.Barton must bring into the focus of everyone about the technical issues of the request that has arrived through the sales department. Along with this, there must be an understanding of the objectives of the business so that the best possible option gets to be chosen for the organization. Moreover, he can also do a SWOT analysis by which the advantages and disadvantages of imparting IT support to the iphones and accordingly, allow the utility of a vital number of various devices in the organization. He can further meet the head of sales department to make him clear about is points (Johnston and Marshall 2016). 3.The arguments that support decision of iphones in the organization from a strategic viewpoint can be that this will definitely increase employee satisfaction by using the device of their choice and it will be portable as they will be able to utilize the same device all over with their necessary information in their pockets. On the other hand, disadvantages can be that it will definitely need many resources, which in turn will increase the cost along with it also has issues of security as using non-tested devises can be an advantage for the hackers and therefore there will be a urgent need for modifications in the security policies (Hayes and Kotwica 2013). 4.Apart from whether to accept or to reject sales request Barton must look at the pros and cons that using iphone will have on the organization. However, based on that he has to take the best decision in favor of the company for which he can organize a meeting with the CEO and head of the sales and can reach to a conclusion where the problem will also resolve keeping my mind employees job efficiency, the devices portability and easy accessibility (Nolan and Austin 2010). 5.In the sales department, it has been found that the scenario without iphones it where there is a somewhat control over the download history of all the users. Previously the notebook PC has had the facility of open space technology, which provided customized applications to the security codes. However, if iphone is allowed then this will not be the case but there will be encryption of the data along with supporting the virtual private note works (VPN) (Misra et al. 2016). Moreover, it will be easy to use and will reduce the cost of using a notebook as it is a portable device with updated usages. 6.The three management issues can be concerning the introduction of iphone to the sales team would be that it would be time consuming, as the employees will need some time to learn how to operate this new device. Then, there will be no restrictions upon the sales team for downloading apps from the Appstore and this can be harmful as some apps might have troublesome codes. Lastly, sales team will have to give their access on other parts of their phone so that they can work appropriately, which further come up with security issues. Sandboxing would also not guide much if users decline the access to the phones data repeatedly (Wei and Leimeister 2014). 7.The decision on adopting technologies in an organization can be taken by the IT department, the administration or the CEO of the company. This decision will be based on cost reduction, improvement or efficiency on productivity, quicker time to market, product improvement and competitive surrounding. However, for IVK the decision is solely upon the CIO of this organization Jim Barton to either accept or reject the proposal that has been raised by their sales department about replacing notebooks with iphones (Nolan and Austin 2010). References Hayes, B. and Kotwica, K., 2013.Bring your own device (BYOD) to work: Trend report. Newnes. Johnston, M.W. and Marshall, G.W., 2016.Sales force management: Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge. Misra, S., Cheng, L., Genevie, J. and Yuan, M., 2016. The iPhone effect: the quality of in-person social interactions in the presence of mobile devices.Environment and Behavior,48(2), pp.275-298. Nolan, R.L. and Austin, R.D., 2010. The iPhone at IVK. Wei, F. and Leimeister, J.M., 2014. Why cant I use my iPhone at work?: managing consumerization of IT at a multi-national organization.Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases,4(1), pp.11-19.
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